Rennaissance Corporation of Albany
University Heights College Suites




Welcome to Renaissance Corporation of Albany (RCA)

Renaissance Scholars Nursing student

Use College Suites affordable college housing owned by RCA

Nursing & Healthcare students working to achieve their goals

Goals achieved through Renaissance Scholars Nursing & Healthcare Programs

Renaissance Corporation of Albany (RCA) is a Not-For-Profit organization in Albany, NY. RCA is located on the University Heights Campus in midtown Albany.

In April of 1997, RCA was formed by Marty Silverman to collaborate and support the efforts of the surrounding educational organizations in the University Heights area. Through many generous gifts, Mr. Silverman assisted in providing resources to benefit these organizations. One of his most notable commitments was his $50 million gift to the Albany Medical Center in November of 2000. This gift allows for the richest prize in Medicine in the United States - second worldwide to the Nobel Prize in Medicine.  The award, given annually for a total of 100 years, honors an individual (or individuals) with a monetary total of $500,000.00 for their contribution(s) to Medicine and Biomedical Research. Some have dubbed this prize as "America's Nobel." Marty's promise was to light one candle each year to honor that year's recipient. To read more about the prize and recipients of this prestigious award, 
go to: Albany Prize.

Mr. Silverman’s vision was to create the collaboration of services between the colleges that make up University Heights.  One such service was the creation of the University Heights Public Safety Division. To find out more information on University Heights Association, please see the University Heights Association (UHA) website.

Marty Silverman was also very concerned with the increasing need for qualified nurses, especially in developing nations. Marty decided that Renaissance Corporation could help with this challenge. In June of 2004, Marty, The Renaissance Corporation, the Albany County Department of Social Services and Maria College collaborated to create the Renaissance Scholars Nursing Program. This program offers financial assistance to educate and train low income, public assistance eligible individuals in the high demand medical fields such as nursing and medical technology. This program is considered a stepping stone for some. When an individual takes that first step, it may be to earn a degree as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) or other health care related degree. The program's objective is to provide additional support to that individual if he/she chooses to go on for a degree as an RN. Please see the Renaissance Scholars Nursing Program on this web site for more information.

Additionally, Renaissance Corporation owns buildings and parcels of land on the University Heights Campus. One of these structures is a modern, suite style college housing building located at 100 Union Drive.  This building built in 2003, known as University College Suites (UH College Suites), is located in the middle of the University Heights campus.  Designed for housing college students, the occupants are made up of students attending Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Albany Law School, the Sage Colleges, Albany Medical College, UAlbany, the College of St. Rose, and Maria College. For more information, please see UHCollegesuites on this web site.